I spent a week in Barcelona going through a 'slight' culture shock... I found Barcelona beautiful but very touristy and not much interesting (blaming the same shock and transition:)). Here are some pictures: https://www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=2951769840837897388#editor/target=post;postID=4713945090775558645
Then I traveled to France and spent last three weeks on a goat farm in Loire Valley (WWOOFing). The farm is owned and run by a young couple, Alexandra and Francois. They have about 50 milking goats, 31 billies, around 40 young goats, around 10 mother goats with 22 babies. So there is enough work for everyone. The daily activities included: taking care of animals (hay, water, straw), milking and producing cheese. Yes! Cheese! They are making organic goat cheese right at the farm. And it is amazing! So I got to see and participate in milk processing, cheese making, tasting and selling activities. I also got a bit to travel around, see some villages, towns and castles. Here we go: https://picasaweb.google.com/